Monday, November 9, 2009


I know the show is being canceled. I know it's the 4th in it's time-slot. I know that EMT's around the country are offended. I know, I know, I know.

You know what? I don't give a shit. I love this show, I really do. For those of you who haven't seen it (which is apparently a lot of you hence the cancellation) then you're missing on a weekly dose of hilarious random injuries, unbelievably-over-the-top characters and fast-paced medical jargon. It's like E.R. on the road. In fact that one of the things that draws me to the show; fans of E.R. will agree that a show focused on the paramedics before they arrived at the hospital would have been the best. Trauma is that show.  Let me list for you some of my  favorite moments so far:

  • The Pilot - Right off the bat I knew I was going to like this show. I watch a lot of TV and usually I watch either emotionally or mentally complicated shows. This show doesn't have all that confusion. The pilot contained TWO GIANT EXPLOSIONS. These were no run-of-the-mill explosions either, one of them was a fucking helicopter and not your usual helicopter explosion this helicopter HIT A FUCKING SKYSCRAPER!  How many times do you think you'll see that in you TV viewing life? Not many.
  • Anastasia Griffith. On the show they call her Nancy. She is super beautiful and not a terrible actress. She's also British but I didn't know that till I Wiki'd her. On the show she's an American girl. She had a boyfriend who was in the exploding helicopter in the pilot and spends the rest of the series sort of mourning him but not in a melodramatic kinda way. That wouldn't be so interesting but it does lead to several flashbacks of the helicopter explosion which is way cool no matter how many times they show it. Also, Nancy is hot.
  • INJURIES GALORE: A guy drove through a street fair running people down with his car, a father gets in a fist fight and gets punched in the mouth resulting in him biting off his tongue which is SON FINDS ON THE GROUND a few moments later, a man falls off some scaffolding onto a metal rebar and is IMPALED....I could go on and on but I don't want to spoil it all. This is the heart of the show. It's not about the stupid characters and their forced relationships. It's about the TRAUMA. That's the part they get right the most and in my opinion the most important part of the show. It's what brings me back every week.
I'm going to stop here because I could go on all day but I honestly don't want to spoil any more of the goodies that await you in every episode.  NBC's website has a few episodes up and there are still FIVE episodes to air before the show is canceled. Don't let this magic gem of a series slip by without a viewing. I suggest you gather around your TV tonight, have a big bowl of popcorn and shut your brains off. Get ready for violence and surgery and bad dialogue. This is light viewing at its best.



  1. At least when the show is canceled Anastasia Griffith can return to Damages as Katie Connor. ;)

  2. Glad NBC followed through with the order for 13 episodes -- plus.


  3. Really glad it's coming back. Thanks for reading and commenting Lou. :)
