Friday, April 7, 2006

We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes....

I stole the title of today's blog from a movie. I wish I had thought it up myself but alas....

Couple of things to talk about today...

1. My girlfriend's exhusband is an asshole. Seriously. This guy is unbelievable. Get this: He marries the girl, they have a kid. He continues to party and live a lifestyle that my girlfriend (now mother to a baby) is uncomfortable with. They seperate. At first he sees the kid all the time but gradually his visits lessen until he's not around at all. Some time passes. Now the kid is two and the exhusband is trying to make a reappearance in her life, which is great except for the fact that he's tottally inconsistant with his visits and is confusing the hell out of the kid by crammy all this, "I'm your Daddy" shit down her throat. She thinks I'M her Daddy and just cannot understand who this new guy is who she sees once a week and calls himself "Daddy".
To make matters worse my girlfriends mother (the FUTURE Mother-In-Law) seems to have sided with the exhusband more than her own daughter (my girlfriend) and only further confuses the kid. It's all very convuluted and annoying and I'm sure makes NO SENSE in this rushed blog post, but it was something I needed to get off my chest in's not like anyone is reading this anyway. I'll explain everything in more detail sometime soon...

2. Bah. I have no time for number 2 because things are getting busy at work and I've got to go. Sorry. More later.


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